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woonruimte in leiden

  • piervi gagliardotto

    Italian doctor, age 34, is coming to Leiden to work in the academic hospital. I'm desperately looking for a place to live. If you know anything, room, studio, appartment or house with max. rent f1750 incl., please let me know.

  • K. Houwer

    Dear Piervi,

    In the near future I will have a studio in Leiden, which you could rent.

    It's in the centre.

    When do you need it?

    Please send me an e-mail if you are interested.

    Best regards,

    K.Houwerpiervi gagliardotto schreef:


    > Italian doctor, age 34, is coming to Leiden to work in the

    > academic hospital. I'm desperately looking for a place to live.

    > If you know anything, room, studio, appartment or house with

    > max. rent f1750 incl., please let me know.